Chinese Public Guideline for the Management of Esophageal Cancer

Title: Chinese Public Guideline for the Management of Esophageal Cancer
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Healthy people and people at high risk for esophageal cancer in all regions of China.
Evidence classification method: The GRADE method was used to evaluate the quality of evidence related to esophageal cancer. According to the GRADE method, the quality of evidence is divided into high quality, moderate quality, low quality, and very low quality. In the evidence grading process, there are five downgrading factors: limitations, imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and publication bias, and three upgrading factors: large effect size, dose-response relationship, and possible confounders (negative bias).
Development unit: Chinese Health RIsk MAnagement Collaboration (CHRIMAC) - (specific disease) Group
Registration time: 2023-12-17
Registration number: PREPARE-2023CN363
Purpose of the guideline: Esophageal cancer ranks as the ninth most common cancer globally and is also one of the prevalent malignancies in China. Despite a declining trend in the incidence and mortality rates of esophageal cancer in China, the majority of cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage, leading to a poor prognosis and imposing a significant disease burden. The occurrence of esophageal cancer involves various factors, including but not limited to unhealthy lifestyles, dietary habits, genetic factors, and environmental exposure. This guideline systematically reviews and summarizes research evidence related to esophageal cancer in both the general population and high-risk groups. It aims to formulate scientific, comprehensive, and practical recommendations for esophageal cancer risk management, thereby providing esophageal cancer prevention suggestions covering diet, lifestyle, etc.