国家重点监控药品超说明书 临床合理应用专家共识

标题: 国家重点监控药品超说明书 临床合理应用专家共识
title: National key monitoring drugs Expert Consensus on rational clinical application for off-lable Drug Uses
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 综合
field: Comprehensive guideline
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 医学、临床药学
Guide users: Medicine and clinical pharmacy
证据分级方法: GRADE分级系统(Grades of Recommendation,Assessment,Development and Evaluation,GRADE)
Evidence grading method: GRADE classification system
制定单位: 中华医学会临床药学分会;四川省医学科学院&四川省人民医院
Formulating unit: Clinical Pharmacy Branch of Chinese Medical Association;Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital
注册时间: 2023-12-13
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN074
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 为贯彻落实国务院办公厅《关于加强三级公立医院绩效考核工作的意见》,为进一步加强我国临床合理用药管理,根据《国家重点监控合理用药药品目录调整工作规程》(国卫办医函〔2021〕474号),国家卫生健康委于2023年1月13日确定了《第二批国家重点监控合理用药药品目录》(以下简称《目录》)。《目录》重点包括辅助用药、抗肿瘤药物、抗微生物药物、质子泵抑制剂、糖皮质激素、肠外营养药物等。中华医学会临床药学分会以规范临床用药行为、促进合理用药为工作目标,对纳入《目录》中的奥美拉唑、人血白蛋白、头孢哌酮舒巴坦、依达拉奉等30种药品制定善临床应用指南,明确临床应用的条件和原则,加强合理用药监管,以促进临床合理用药水平持续提高。
Purpose of the guideline: In order to implement the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Performance Assessment of Level III Public Hospitals, and to further strengthen the management of clinical rational use of drugs in China, in accordance with the Working Procedures for the Adjustment of the Catalogue of Drugs under the National Key Monitoring of Rational Use of Drugs (GYH [2021] No. 474), On January 13, 2023, the National Health Commission determined the Second Batch of National Key Monitoring and Rational Drug Use Catalogue (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue). The Catalogue mainly includes adjuvant drugs, anti-tumor drugs, anti-microbial drugs, proton pump inhibitors, glucocorticoids, parenteral nutrition drugs, etc. With the goal of standardizing clinical drug use behavior and promoting rational drug use, the Branch of Clinical Pharmacy of the Chinese Medical Association has formulated guidelines for good clinical application of 30 drugs included in the Catalog, including omeprazole, human serum albumin, cefoperazone sulbactam, and edaravone, to clarify the conditions and principles of clinical application, and to strengthen the supervision of rational drug use, so as to promote the continuous improvement of clinical rational drug use.