Experts consensus on therapy and nursing of parenteral nutrition for critically ill patients

Title: Experts consensus on therapy and nursing of parenteral nutrition for critically ill patients
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: ICU staff
Evidence classification method: JBI evidence classification and recommendation system
Development unit: 米元元
Registration time: 2021-08-14
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN266
Purpose of the guideline: 本共识给出了成人ICU患者肠外营养支持的基本要求、肠外营养支持的适应证和禁忌证、肠外营养评估、肠外营养输注方法、输注装置选择及更换、肠外营养贮存规范、肠外营养通路的维护及管理、肠外营养实施监测与护理、记录和健康教育等,旨在规范ICU医务人员临床肠外营养实施的行为,使患者获益。