Guidelines for the Comprehensive Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly in China (Primary Care Edition)

Title: Guidelines for the Comprehensive Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly in China (Primary Care Edition)
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Primarily applicable to doctors and nurses in primary care hospitals, particularly nephrologists, geriatricians, and general practitioners, as well as caregivers of elderly patients with chronic kidney disease. It is also suitable for elderly CKD patients and their families.
Evidence classification method: This guideline uses the GRADE evidence grading system, categorizing the quality of evidence into four levels: high (A), moderate (B), low (C), and very low (D). The recommendations are classified into two grades: strong recommendation (1) and weak recommendation (2).
Development unit: Guideline Development Group of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics "Guidelines for the Comprehensive Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly"
Registration time: 2024-07-26
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN056
Purpose of the guideline: Aim of the guideline is to provide a scientific, clear and practical comprehensive management guide for physicians in primary care hospitals, elderly chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, and their families.