Expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of neonatal mitochondrial diseases

Title: Expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of neonatal mitochondrial diseases
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Neonatologist
Evidence classification method: The quality of evidence was classified as high (A), medium (B), low (C), and very low (D) 4 levels; the recommendation intensity is divided into strong recommendation (1), weak recommendation (2) good practice with high quality bedside practice statement, GPS) 3 levels.
Development unit: Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University
Registration time: 2024-07-17
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN013
Purpose of the guideline: The incidence of neonatal mitochondrial disease is low, the clinical manifestations lack specificity, and it is easy to be misdiagnosed and missed diagnosis. Although many cases of neonatal mitochondrial disease have been reported at home and abroad, there is no consensus or guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The purpose of developing this consensus is to further standardize the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal mitochondrial diseases.