
标题: 色堵弓(类风湿关节炎)佤医专家共识
title: Expert consensus on prevention and treatment of SeDuGong (rheumatoid arthritis) with WA medicine
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 本共识的使用人群包括中医风湿病、西医风湿免疫以及民族医相关专业医疗人员,特别是基层佤医执业医师。
Guide users: The users of this consensus include traditional Chinese medicine rheumatism, Western medicine rheumatism immunity, and ethnic medicine-related professional medical personnel, especially grass-roots Wa medical practitioners.
证据分级方法: 采用中医药临床研究证据的分级标准: I级: 随机对照试验及其系统综述、N-of-1试验系统综述 Ⅱ级: 非随机临床对照试验、队列研究、N-of-1试验 Ⅲ级: 病例对照研究、前瞻性病例系列 IV级: 规范化的专家共识、回顾性病例系列、历史性对照研究 V级: 非规范化专家共识、病例报告、经验总结
Evidence grading method: According to the grading standard of clinical research evidence of traditional Chinese medicine: Level I: Randomized controlled trials and their systematic review, N-of-1 trial systematic review. Level II: non randomized clinical controlled trials, cohort studies, n-of-1 trials. Level III: case-control study, prospective case series. Level IV: standardized expert consensus, retrospective case series, historical controlled studies. Level V: non standardized expert consensus, case report, experience summary.
制定单位: 云南省中医医院(云南中医药大学第一附属医院);临沧市中医医院
Formulating unit: Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (The First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine); Lincang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
注册时间: 2024-07-30
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN090
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoid Arthritis,RA)是以侵蚀性、对称性多关节炎为主要临床表现的慢性、全身性自身免疫性疾病,是风湿病中的重大疑难疾病,病因复杂,与遗传、环境、性激素等多种因素有关。 RA的全球患病率为0.5%~1%,中国大陆地区患病率为0.28~0.4%,男女患病比率约为1:4。RA病程5-10年致残率60%,30年致残率超过90%,常见心脏病变、间质肺病、骨质疏松等多种并发症,严重影响患者劳动力和生活质量,给患者家庭和社会带来沉重的经济负担,多角度挖掘整理RA诊疗方法对于人类健康具有重要意义。 佤医是我国5大少数民族医药之一,在历史发展嬗变中形成了相对完整的疾病诊治体系。佤医学将类风湿关节炎归属“塞堵弓”范畴,是因感受风、寒、湿、热等外邪,引起四肢关节疼痛、肿胀、筋络僵硬、活动受限、畸形等为主要临床表现的疾病。佤医药被普遍运用佤族对RA诊疗中,对维护佤族人民健康发挥重要作用。然而,依照临床诊疗指南制定规范指导下的佤医防治RA专家共识仍属于空白,其诊治RA的方法手段难以获得公认并在临床推广应用。基于此,我们在分析总结现有研究证据基础上,充分考虑佤医药、中医药领域权威单位和专家建议,共同制定《佤医防治色堵弓(类风湿关节炎)专家共识》,旨在规范佤医RA临床诊疗,为临床医师提供科学、实用的治疗建议,指导临床决策,提升佤医药的影响力和认可度。
Purpose of the guideline: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic and systemic autoimmune disease with erosive and symmetrical polyarthritis as the main clinical manifestations. It is a major and difficult disease in rheumatism. The etiology is complex, and there are many factors such as genetics, environment, sex hormones and so on. Close. The global prevalence rate of RA is 0.5%~1%, the prevalence rate in mainland China is 0.28~0.4%, and the prevalence rate between men and women is about 1:4. The disability rate of RA is 60% in 5-10 years, and the disability rate in 30 years is more than 90%. Common complications such as heart disease, interstitial lung disease, osteoporosis, etc., which seriously affect the patient's labor force and quality of life, and bring a heavy economic burden to the patient's family and society. The multi-angle excavation and collation of RA diagnosis and treatment methods for people Health is of great significance. Wa Medicine is one of the five major ethnic minority medicines in China, and has formed a relatively complete disease diagnosis and treatment system in the course of historical development. Wa medicine attributes rheumatoid arthritis into the category of "blocking the bow", which is a disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness of muscles, limited movement, deformity and other major clinical manifestations due to the feeling of wind, cold, dampness, heat and other external evils. Wa medicine is widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of RA, which plays an important role in maintaining the health of the Wa people. However, the consensus of experts on the prevention and treatment of RA under the guidance of norms formulated in accordance with clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines is still blank, and the methods and means of diagnosis and treatment of RA are difficult to be recognized and applied in clinical practice. Based on this, on the basis of analyzing and summarizing the existing research evidence, we fully consider the suggestions of authoritative units and experts in the field of Wa medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and jointly formulate the Expert Consensus on the Prevention and Treatment of Color Blocking Bow (Rheumatoid Arthritis) of Wa Medicine, which aims to standardize the clinical diagnosis and treatment of Wa Medical RA and provide scientific and practical treatment suggestions for clinicians. , guide clinical decision-making and enhance the influence and recognition of Wa Pharmaceutical.