
标题: 儿童医源性皮肤损伤预防和处理指南
title: Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Latrogenic Skin Injuries in Children
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 综合
field: Comprehensive guideline
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 适用于所有儿童保健机构和其他提供儿童保健的医疗机构;适用于儿童专业的注册护士和高级执业注册护士,指南的相关组成部分也适用于儿童的家庭皮肤护理
Guide users: It is applicable to all child health care institutions and other medical institutions providing child health care; it is applicable to registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses specializing in children, and the relevant components of the guideline are also applicable to family skin care for children.
证据分级方法: 采用 GRADE 系统对定量系统评价证据质量进行分级,采用 CERQual 对质性研究证据质量进行分级
Evidence grading method: The GRADE system was used to grade the quality of evidence for quantitative systematic evaluations, and CERQual was used to grade the quality of evidence for qualitative studies.
制定单位: 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院,中国妇幼保健协会
Formulating unit: Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine、Chinese Maternal and Child Health Association
注册时间: 2024-07-24
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN046
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 医源性皮肤损伤是指在医疗治疗和护理过程中,由于操作不当、仪器故障或者医疗材料造成的和原发疾病无关的皮肤损伤,多由人为因素造成。小儿因皮肤柔嫩,更容易发生医源性损伤,如医用胶粘剂相关性皮肤损伤(MARSI),医疗器械相关压力性损伤(MDRPI) ,药液外渗引起的皮肤损伤等。一旦发生医源性皮肤损伤,就会因皮肤屏障功能破坏增加感染风险,延长住院时间,增加儿童的痛苦和家庭的经济负担,甚至引起永久性瘢痕及功能障碍。尽管其临床影响深远,目前却缺乏关于儿童医源性皮肤损伤的相关指南来提供明确的临床指导。因此,本指南旨在集中探讨儿童医源性皮肤损伤的预防与处理,以提供循证依据,从而优化临床实践。
Purpose of the guideline: Iatrogenic skin injury refers to skin damage unrelated to the primary disease caused by improper operation, instrument failure or medical materials during medical treatment and nursing, mostly caused by human factors. Children are more prone to iatrogenic injuries due to their tender skin, such as medical adhesive-related skin injury (MARSI), medical device-related pressure injury (MDRPI), and skin injury caused by drug extravasation. Once iatrogenic skin injury occurs, it will increase the risk of infection due to the destruction of the skin barrier function, prolong the length of hospital stay, increase the pain of children and the economic burden of families, and even cause permanent scars and functional disorders. Despite its profound clinical impact, there is currently a lack of relevant guidelines on iatrogenic skin injuries in children to provide clear clinical guidance. Therefore, this guideline aims to focus on the prevention and management of iatrogenic skin injuries in children to provide evidence-based evidence and thereby optimize clinical practice.