
标题: 男性雄激素性秃发中西医结合诊疗专家共识
title: Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Male androgenetic alopecia with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 皮肤科、中医科以及中西医结合相关科室医疗人员
Guide users: Medical staff in dermatology, Chinese Medicine and related departments of integrated Chinese and Western medicine
证据分级方法: GRADE 证据质量分级标准
Evidence grading method: GRADE Indicates the quality of evidence
制定单位: 中日友好医院,国家卫健委皮肤疾病质控项目毛发专家委员会,国家中西医结合医学中心毛发专病医联体
Formulating unit: China-Japan Friendship Hospital;National Health Commission skin disease quality control project hair expert committee;National Center of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine hair specialist medical union
注册时间: 2023-12-24
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN455
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 雄激素性秃发是临床最常见的脱发性疾病,男性雄激素性秃发发病率更高,严重影响患者的身心健康和生活质量。目前认为该病与遗传易感性和毛囊局部的雄激素代谢异常密切相关。诊断主要依据病史、脱发模式和皮肤镜检查。中医药治疗是我国雄激素性秃发防治的优势和特色,为了推广男性雄激素性秃发的规范化中西医诊治理念,提高我国在该领域的诊治水平,特组织编写了本专家共识。
Purpose of the guideline: Androgenetic alopecia is the most common alopecia disease in clinical practice . Male androgenetic alopecia has a higher incidence, which seriously affects the physical and mental health and quality of life of patients. At present, it is believed that the disease is closely related to genetic susceptibility and abnormal androgen metabolism in local hair follicles. The diagnosis was mainly based on medical history, alopecia pattern and dermatoscopy. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment provides the distinctive advantage in prevention and treatment of AGA in China. This expert consensus has compiled to promote the standardized diagnosis and treatment concept of male AGA in Traditional Chinese and Western medicine,and to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment in this field in our country.