
标题: 国家中医区域医疗中心中药处方审核点评同质化建设专家共识
title: Expert Consensus on Homogenization Construction of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription Review in National Traditional Chinese Medicine Regional Medical Center
版本: 其他
version: Others
分类: 中医药指南
classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
领域: 综合
field: Comprehensive guideline
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 医疗机构的药师和卫生行政管理人员
Guide users: Pharmacists and health administrative personnel in medical institutions
证据分级方法: 改良的德尔菲证据分级方法
Evidence grading method: Improved Delphi Evidence Grading Method
制定单位: 中国中医科学院西苑医院
Formulating unit: Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences
注册时间: 2023-11-20
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN920
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 中成药处方审核与处方点评是医疗机构药事管理工作的重要组成,对于医疗机构合理用药水平具有重要意义,但目前不同医疗机构的工作模式和审核点评规则不尽相同,降低预期效果。本共识依托国家中医区域医疗中心,开展中药处方审核点评工作的同质化建设和规则的标准共享,为解决上述问题提供支持。
Purpose of the guideline: Prescription review and prescription comment of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations is an important part of the pharmaceutical affairs management of medical institutions, which is of great significance to the level of rational drug use of medical institutions. However, at present, different medical institutions have different working modes and review and comment rules, reducing the expected effect. This consensus relies on the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Regional Medical Center to carry out the homogenization construction and standard sharing of rules for the review and evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, providing support for solving the above problems.