Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Perimenopausal Sleep Disorders with Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine

Title: Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Perimenopausal Sleep Disorders with Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
Edition: Original
Classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Practitioners of gynecology include: traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, western medicine, related nursing staff and pharmacists in medical institutions at all levels
Evidence classification method: GRADE
Development unit: Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences
Registration time: 2022-10-29
Registration number: PREPARE-2022CN687
Purpose of the guideline: It is necessary to develop relevant documents to give full play to the advantages and characteristics of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in the diagnosis and treatment that corresponding disease and syndrome, to provide reference for clinical decision-making in the treatment of perimenopausal sleep disorders. It standardizes the clinical application and improves effect of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.