Clinical Practice Guideline on Antimyelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-associated Disorders (MOGAD) in Children

Title: Clinical Practice Guideline on Antimyelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-associated Disorders (MOGAD) in Children
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Pediatric neurologists and general pediatricians
Evidence classification method: GRADE
Development unit: Peking University First Hospital and Fudan University GRADE Center
Registration time: 2022-04-01
Registration number: IPGRP-2022CN190
Purpose of the guideline: At present, there is no uniform standard for the diagnosis and treatment of children with anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-related diseases (MOGAD). This guideline intends to use evidence-based evidence to answer the key questions in the diagnosis and treatment of MOGAD in children in order to provide more standardized principles.