
标题: 中国急性心力衰竭急诊管理指南(2022)
title: Chinese clinical guidelines for the management of acute heart failurein emergency department (2022)
版本: 更新版
version: Updated
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 综合
field: Comprehensive guideline
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
Guide users:
证据分级方法: 本指南沿用国际通用方式,标示了诊断与评估、药物和各种治疗方法的应用推荐类别与证据水平。推荐类别:I类为已证实和(或)一致认为有益和有效;II类为疗效的证据尚不一致或存在争议,其中相关证据倾向于有效的为IIa 类,尚不充分的为II b类;III类为已证实或者一致认为无用或者无效,甚至可能有害。证据水平:证据来自多项随机对照临床试验或者多项荟萃分析为A级,证据来自单项随机对照临床试验或非随机研究为B级,证据来自小型研究或专家共识为C级。
Evidence grading method: This guideline follows the internationally accepted pattern and identifies the recommended categories and levels of evidence for the use of diagnosis and assessment, drugs and various treatments. Recommended categories: Category I is proven and/or agreed to be beneficial and effective; The evidence for class II efficacy is inconsistent or controversial, among which the relevant evidence tends to be effective for class IIa, and insufficient for Class II B. Category III is proven or agreed to be useless or ineffective and may even be harmful. Level of evidence: Grade A for evidence from multiple randomized controlled clinical trials or multiple meta-analyses, grade B for evidence from single randomized controlled clinical trials or non-randomized studies, and grade C for evidence from small studies or expert consensus.
制定单位: 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会急诊医学分会,中国医师协会急诊医师分会,中华医学会急诊医学分会
Formulating unit: China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care of emergency medicine
注册时间: 2022-03-02
Registration time:
注册编号: IPGRP-2022CN100
Registration number:
Purpose of the guideline: