Consensus of experts on transbronchial diagnosis, localization and treatment of peripheral pulmonary nodules guided by the augmented reality optical lung navigation/Consensus of experts on the augmented reality optical lung navigation

Title: Consensus of experts on transbronchial diagnosis, localization and treatment of peripheral pulmonary nodules guided by the augmented reality optical lung navigation/Consensus of experts on the augmented reality optical lung navigation
Edition: Original
Classification: Others
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Physicians in respiratory, thoracic, or other clinical departments suitable for conducting respiratory endoscopy diagnosis and treatment techniques
Evidence classification method: In view of the lack of a large sample of high-level evidence-based medical evidence for multimodality augmented reality optical lung navigation, no evidence level or recommendation level is set in this consensus.
Development unit: The Interventional Pulmonology Group of the Chinese Thoracic Society
Registration time: 2024-02-08
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN259
Purpose of the guideline: To standardize the clinical operation of augmented reality optical lung navigation technology in the diagnosis, localization, and treatment of peripheral pulmonary nodules and guide its application in clinical practice.