
标题: 中国前交叉韧带损伤重建后康复的临床实践指南
title: Chinese clinical practice guideline on rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 治疗
field: Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 运动医学医师、骨科医师、康复医师、治疗师、护士、体育教练和管理人员等
Guide users: Sports medicine surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation physicians, therapists, nurses, sports coaches and administrators, etc.
证据分级方法: GRADE
Evidence grading method: GRADE
制定单位: 中华医学会运动医疗分会下肢运动创伤学组,中国医师协会运动医学医师分会
Formulating unit: Formulating unit:Lower Limb Sports Traumatology Group of Chinese Society of Sports Medicine, Chinese Medical Association; Sports Medicine Society of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
注册时间: 2023-11-24
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN952
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 前交叉韧带(ACL)是维持膝关节稳定性的重要解剖结构,其损伤在日常生活中越来越常见。目前,ACL重建是治疗ACL损伤的最主要方式。然而,大量患者在术后重返运动的水平较低、甚至难以重返运动。其主要原因在于常用的自体移植物重建术后需经历较长时间的“韧带化”过程,才能完全恢复ACL的生物学功能,使得患者能恢复伤前的运动水平。由于移植韧带重塑期间其强度发生不断变化,由于缺乏正确和全面的评估,不恰当的康复训练常超过该阶段移植物所能承受的最高机械强度,引起移植物松弛或断裂,导致重建失败。基于“功能至上,重返运动”的运动医学宗旨,康复训练决定了ACL重建的成功与否,特别是对爱好运动和体育运动员能否重返伤前运动水平和重新恢复竞技体育运动的关键。然而,目前国内尚缺乏ACL重建后康复的相关临床指南。因此,为帮助临床医生基于患者的评估和期望,制定科学、合理的ACL重建术后康复训练方案,进一步提升ACL重建后的重返运动率和疗效,由中华医学会运动医疗分会下肢运动创伤学组、中国医师协会运动医学医师分会发起并制定《中国前交叉韧带损伤重建后康复的临床实践指南》。
Purpose of the guideline: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a crucial anatomical structure that plays a vital role in maintaining knee stability, and its incidence of injury has been increasing in daily life. Currently, ACL reconstruction is the predominant treatment for ACL injuries. However, However, a considerable proportion of patients experience diminished exercise capacity or encounter challenges in resuming physical activity following surgical procedures. This can be attributed to the long process of "ligamentization" required for complete restoration of the biological function of the ACL following commonly used autograft reconstruction. Consequently, accurate and appropriate rehabilitation becomes paramount as improper assessment or inadequate rehabilitation may surpass the maximum mechanical strength of the graft during remodeling, leading to graft laxity or rupture and ultimately failure of the reconstruction. In line with the principle of " function priority and return to sports" in sports medicine, successful ACL reconstruction heavily relies on effective rehabilitation training which determines whether recreational athletes and competitive sports participants can regain their pre-injury level of performance. Unfortunately, there is currently a lack of clinical guidelines for post-ACL reconstruction rehabilitation in China. Therefore, aiming to assist clinicians in developing scientific and reasonable rehabilitation programs based on patient assessment and expectations while enhancing the rate and efficacy of return-to-sport outcomes following ACL reconstruction procedures; Lower Limb Sports Traumatology Group of Chinese Society of Sports Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association along with Sports Medicine Society of Chinese Medical Doctor Association have initiated an effort to formulate comprehensive "Chinese clinical practice guideline on rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction".