Practical guideline on hydration therapy in geriatrics in China(1st edition)

Title: Practical guideline on hydration therapy in geriatrics in China(1st edition)
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users:
Evidence classification method: The level of evidence is divided into A, B and C. Level A: the evidence is based on multiple randomized controlled trials or meta-analyse. Level B: the evidence is based on at least one randomized controlled trial or multiple large-scale non-randomized controlled trials. Level C: the evidence is based on expert consensus or small-scale, retrospective or clinical registry studies.
Development unit: Endocrine Metabolic Diseases Group of the Chinese Geriatrics Society
Registration time: 2023-06-02
Registration number: PREPARE-2023CN374
Purpose of the guideline: