Clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C infection in patients with chronic kidney disease

Title: Clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C infection in patients with chronic kidney disease
Edition: Original
Classification: Rapid advice guideline
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: 临床医生,肾脏病科医护
Evidence classification method: GRADE
Development unit: Expert group on the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C infection in patients with chronic kidney disease
Registration time: 2022-11-27
Registration number: PREPARE-2022CN780
Purpose of the guideline: 丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus, HCV)感染在慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease, CKD)患者中高发,患者在抗HCV治疗方面具有特殊性。随着直接抗病毒药物(direct acting antiviral agent, DAA)问世并广泛应用于临床,CKD患者合并HCV感染的预后获得了极大的改善。近年来HCV治疗领域进展迅速,多种DAA相继在国内获批上市。为此,我国肾脏病、感染病和肝病专家组在2019年发表的《CKD合并HCV感染诊断和治疗的专家共识临床实践指南》基础上,以国内外临床研究进展为依据,结合现阶段我国实际情况,更新形成了本共识临床实践指南,以期为CKD合并HCV感染患者的规范化诊治提供指导性建议。