
标题: 孤独症谱系障碍康复治疗实践指南
title: Practice guidelines for rehabilitation of autism spectrum disorders
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 治疗
field: Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 临床医师及开展孤独症康复相关工作机构的工作人员
Guide users: Clinicians and staff of organizations involved in autism rehabilitation
证据分级方法: 1. 证据评价 (1)系统评价可以回答临床问题,且AMSTAR2(系统评价方法学质量评价工具)评价质量高,则评估该系统评价是否需要更新,不需要更新则直接采用,如需要更新则纳入近5年最新研究证据进行更新。 (2)如果系统评价质量低或不能回答本指南的PICO问题,将根据现有原始研究证据重新进行系统评价。 2. 证据分级 采用GRADE法对证据质量进行评级(高、中、低、极低)。分级考虑 3 个升级因素(效应量大、负偏倚和有剂量-效应关系)和 5 个降级因素(偏倚风险、不一致性、间接性、不精确性和发表偏倚)。 3. 证据推荐 推荐强度涉及患者、临床医生、政策制定者三方面,分强推荐和弱推荐两个等级。 基于可得证据,如果临床医生非常确定获益大于,或小于风险和负担,则为强推荐;基于可得的证据,如果临床医生认为获益、风险和负担相当平衡,或获益、风险的程度存在明显的不确定,则为弱推荐。
Evidence grading method: 1. Evidence evaluation (1) Systematic review can answer clinical questions, and if AMSTAR2 (systematic review methodology quality evaluation tool) has high evaluation quality, it will evaluate whether the systematic review needs to be updated. If it does not need to be updated, it will be directly adopted. If it needs to be updated, it will include the latest research evidence in the recent 5 years for updating. (2) If the quality of the systematic evaluation is low or fails to answer the PICO questions of this guideline, the systematic evaluation will be re-conducted based on the existing original research evidence. 2. Grading of evidence The quality of evidence was rated using the GRADE method (high, medium, low, very low). Three escalation factors (large effect size, negative bias, and dose-effect relationship) and five degradation factors (risk of bias, inconsistency, indirection, imprecision, and publication bias) were considered. 3. Evidence recommendation The recommendation intensity involved patients, clinicians and policy makers, and was divided into two levels: strong recommendation and weak recommendation. Based on the available evidence, it is strongly recommended if the clinician is very certain that the benefits outweigh or outweigh the risks and burdens; Based on available evidence, it is a weak recommendation if the clinician believes that the benefits, risks, and burdens are fairly balanced, or if there is significant uncertainty about the degree of benefits and risks.
制定单位: 西安市儿童医院 西安交通大学公共卫生学院
Formulating unit: Xi 'an Children's Hospital, Xi 'an Jiaotong University Department of Public Health
注册时间: 2022-11-22
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2022CN761
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 结合现有的证据,对现行的孤独症谱系障碍相关康复治疗技术进行评估,以期能够更好地指导临床科学的、有循证依据的开展的孤独症康复治疗工作。
Purpose of the guideline: Combined with the existing evidence, the current rehabilitation techniques related to autism spectrum disorders were evaluated, in order to better guide the clinical science and evidence-based autism rehabilitation work.