
标题: 帕金森病血压管理专家共识第二版
title: consensus on blood pressure management in Parkinson's disease (the 2nd version)
版本: 改编版
version: Adapted
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 内科医师,包括神经内科医师、心血管科医师和运动障碍疾病专科医生
Guide users: clinicians, including neurologist, cardiologist and movement disorders specialists
证据分级方法: 根据2002年运动障碍疾病杂志推荐的Goetz C分级(见附录文件Table1)
Evidence grading method: Definitions for specific recommendations Goetz C. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society (2002):
制定单位: 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院
Formulating unit: Ruijin Hospital Affiliated To Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
注册时间: 2022-10-08
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2022CN636
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 随着临床实践及研究的进展,帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)已经从局限于中枢神经系统的疾病范畴扩展为可累及全身多个系统的多系统疾病,其中以体位性低血压(orthostatic hypotension, OH)为代表的血压异常,作为一种常见的非运动症状(non-motor symptoms, NMSs),可发生在PD的整个病程任一时间点,它既与患者的自主神经功能异常息息相关,也与抗PD药物应用的副作用密切有关,并成为严重影响患者生活质量的关键因素。多项研究发现,在PD患者漫长的病程中,约20-50%的患者会在不同时期出现血压异常的表现,主要包括OH,卧位高血压(supine hypertension, SH)以及餐后低血压(postprandial hypotension, PPH)。此外许多治疗PD运动症状的药物会加剧血压的波动,并可直接导致患者出现跌倒、晕厥甚至猝死和卒中等严重不良事件;上述问题为临床上如何有效管理PD患者带来了极大的困难和挑战。在国内多位知名运动障碍疾病专家及高血压专家紧密合作的基础上,结合自身临床实践经验及国内外最新进展,系统总结了对PD进行血压管理的临床处理原则及推荐建议,并对如何诊断不同类型的血压异常进行了归类和推荐,提出了针对性的干预策略,2020年首次在国内推出了PD血压管理的专家共识。本次拟系统总结近2年关于PD血压管理研究进展,在初版基础上进行更新和修订,推出第二版帕金森病血压管理专家共识。
Purpose of the guideline: The fact that effects of Parkinson’s disease (PD)on multi-system was more and more realized. Blood pressure dysfunction represented by orthostatic hypotension(OH) was one of the common non-motor symptoms. It can occur in any stage of PD, and was not only caused by autonomic dysfunction but by PD medicine. Blood pressure dysfunction in PD was associated with poor quality of life. Unfortunately, about 20~50% of PD patients had blood pressure dysfunction, including OH, supine hypertension (SH), postprandial hypotension (PPH), and the dysfunction would be aggravated after PD medicine, leading to adverse events including falls, syncope, stroke and so on. The original version of consensus on blood pressure management in Parkinson's disease was firstly developed in 2020 in China based on research and clinical experience from experts. Now, we are aiming the second version concensus with revisement and update based on original version.