面向基层的人工智能眼底彩照黄斑区域病变体征筛查系统 规范化设计及应用指南

标题: 面向基层的人工智能眼底彩照黄斑区域病变体征筛查系统 规范化设计及应用指南
title: Standardized design and application guidelines: A primary-oriented artificial intelligence screening system of the lesion sign in macular region based on fundus color photography
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 诊断
field: Diagnosis
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 黄斑区域相关病变筛查系统研发工程师和使用筛查系统的基层医生等。
Guide users: Engineers of the screening system and the primary doctors using the screening system
证据分级方法: 根据GRADE方法,证据水平为中级,推荐级别为强。
Evidence grading method: According to the GRADE, the level of evidence is intermediate and the recommendation level is strong.
制定单位: 中华医学会眼科学分会眼底病学组
Formulating unit: Ocular Fundus Diseases Group of Chinese Ophthalmological Society
注册时间: 2022-05-06
Registration time:
注册编号: IPGRP-2022CN255
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 近年来,AI算法在眼底彩照黄斑区域的病变体征分析和识别中展现了良好的性能,随着时间的推移,未来定会出现适用于基层筛查的眼底病变体征筛查系统。本指南旨在对黄斑区域及相关病变体征定义、AI应用场景、算法模型构建、数据集的建立和标注、筛查系统架构和功能的设计、图像数据的采集等方面提供参考性意见,以期规范AI系统在黄斑区域病变体征基层筛查中的应用,推动我国眼底病早期筛查水平的整体提升。
Purpose of the guideline: In recent years, AI algorithms have shown good performance in the analysis and recognition of lesion signs in the macular area of fundus color images. As time goes by, screening systems of fundus lesion signs suitable for primary screening will definitely appear in the future. This guideline is intended to provide reference opinions for the definition of the lesion signs in macular area, AI application scenarios, algorithm model building, the establishment of a dataset and labeling, screening system architecture and function design, and image data acquisition. Meanwhile, it can standardize the application of AI system in the primary screening of lesion signs in macular region, and promote the overall improvement of the early screening level of fundus disease in China.