Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Sjogren's Syndrome Combination of Diseases and Syndromes

Title: Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Sjogren's Syndrome Combination of Diseases and Syndromes
Edition: Original
Classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users:
Evidence classification method: The GRADE method evaluates the quality of evidence for the effectiveness and safety of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of SS. According to the GRADE method, the quality of evidence is divided into four levels: high, medium, low, and very low; the strength of recommendation is divided into: strong recommendation and weak recommendation [6]. The GRADE evidence quality classification process considers five downgrading factors including risk of bias, consistency, accuracy, publication bias, and indirectness, and three upgrade factors including large effect size, confounding factor bias, and dose effect. Present the evidence through the evidence summary table.
Development unit: Rheumatism Branch of Chinese Society of Chinese Medicine
Registration time: 2022-01-07
Registration number: IPGRP-2022CN020
Purpose of the guideline: 供临床一线中医师、西医师、中西医结合领域风湿科医师以及与SS诊疗相关的专业人员使用。