Traditional ChineseMedicine Guidelines for Acute Primary Headache

Title: Traditional ChineseMedicine Guidelines for Acute Primary Headache
Edition: Original
Classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: 中医内科、神经内科及其他相关科室医生、护理人员
Evidence classification method: For the evidence that can be systematically evaluated, the quality of evidence is evaluated based on the grade system, which mainly considers five degradation factors (bias risk, indirection, heterogeneity, imprecision and publication bias) and three upgrading factors (large effect, dose effect relationship and negative bias). The final quality of evidence is divided into four levels: high, medium, low and very low; Recommendation intensity is divided into strong recommendation and weak recommendation. For the evidence lacking of clinical research support, the quality of evidence is evaluated based on the Classification Standard of Evidence in Ancient Books of Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to the Classification Standard of Evidence in Ancient Books of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the evidence is scored. The recommendation intensity is divided into four levels: strong recommendation, weak recommendation, no recommendation and no recommendation.
Development unit: Dongzhimen Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Registration time: 2021-06-16
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN156
Purpose of the guideline: 本指南制定的目的是推荐中药用于头痛发作的治疗方法,指导临床医生、护理人员规范使用中药进行头痛发作治疗;加强对头痛患者的管理,提高临床疗效,改善患者生活质量。